Sunday, February 22, 2015

Skin Care by the Decades: Age 30+

I am frequently asked what skin care line I use.  I am over 50 and have 
taken great care of my skin for the most part.  I have used Avon Anew products for at least 25 years.  The Avon Anew products have been around that long and I started using them the year they debuted. I believe in the products 100%.  They work.   One day I will be brave and show you my skin au natural.  Not today though!  LOL

Avon breaks down the Anew line by decades: 30's, 40's, 50's, 60's, any age.

 Anew Vitale line = 30's
Anew Reveralist Line = 40's
Anew Ultimate Line = 50's
Anew Platinum = 60's
Skinvincible = any age group
Anew Men's Line

Let's start with basic skin care.  Here are the steps you should take twice daily
1. Cleanse
2. Treat
3. Moisturize

Each product line has products for the above 4 steps.  

The Anew Vitale line contains these products = 30 years old +


Click on this link to order the regimen via subscription.  You choose the frequency of delivery. 

Here is a video about Anew Vitale

1. Cleanse = Vitale Gel Cleanser
3. Moisturize =  Vitale Day Cream 

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